10 Trump Questions Toomey Needs To Answer With One Week Left

One week out from Election Day, Donald Trump is coming back to Pennsylvania, presumably in hopes that the “last undecided voter in Pennsylvania” will finally issue a public endorsement.

While Toomey’s record of bizarre dodges and dismissals suggests that this is unlikely, he should at the very least come clean with voters about his response to Donald Trump’s laundry list of scandals and controversies. For his extreme partisan record, Toomey is going to lose his Senate seat. But for cowering from the disgusting, dangerous ramblings of Donald Trump, Toomey has already lost his dignity.

Here are ten questions Toomey should answer (but won’t) about his dangerously unqualified presidential candidate:

  1. Do you trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes despite his lack of impulse control, comfort with violence, and penchant for vengeance?

  1. Do you agree with Donald Trump that voters should illegally vote twice to combat the nonexistent threat of voter fraud?

  1. Is it concerning that Donald Trump has bucked the lead of every presidential nominee since Gerald Ford by refusing to release his tax returns?

  1. Should Donald Trump be held accountable for the thousands of court-ordered emails and records that his companies have destroyed over the years?

  1. Should Donald Trump be punished for lying in sworn statements about enforcement actions against his company’s racist real estate practices?

  1. How can we expect a President Donald Trump to serve Americans of all backgrounds when his family’s company refused to rent to minorities?

  1. How can you still trust Donald Trump when he continues to lie about giving money to charity?

  1. Do you think Donald Trump’s use of his charity to pay his own legal fees and buy gifts for himself is ethical or appropriate?

  1. How would a Trump administration would be good for business when he refuses to pay the people and companies that work for him hundreds of thousands of dollars?

  1. After all we’ve seen over the past sixteen months, how can you possibly still think Donald Trump is fit or qualified to be president?