62 Hours To Go, A Handy Guide To Toomey’s Strange And Pitiful Trump Strategy

As the clock ticks toward Election Day, Pat Toomey is running out of time to make good on his promise to reveal his voting plans to his constituents.

As he frantically tries to convince voters that he is not a hard-nosed obstructionist with one of the most conservative voting records in the Senate, Toomey is not helped by the fact that for all we know, he plans to vote for a racist, sexist, xenophobic bully with a long track record of stiffing his employees and sexually assaulting women.

Remember: this is not a new question. Donald Trump clinched the Republican nomination nearly six months ago and even before then, Toomey had close to a year to assess his candidacy. The only thing Pennsylvanians can count on Toomey to do is to consistently duck and cover when it comes to Trump.

While Trump’s words and actions compelled hundreds of national security experts, economists, and retired and sitting Republican officials, including senators, secretaries of state, and presidents, to come forward and say they cannot and will not vote for this dangerous candidate, how has Pat Toomey responded in the final days of the campaign?

Like this.

October 13: Makes headlines — Associated Press: Toomey says he’d back a Trump pick to the high court

October 14: Becomes national laughingstock when Jimmy Kimmel tears apart Toomey’s pathetic attempts to have it both ways with Trump.

October 17: Says at some point he “probably will” tell Pennsylvanians how he’s voting. We’re still waiting.

October 19: Tries to clarify his position on Trump, ends up confusing us even more.

October 24: Dodges the Trump question three times in a row during debate.

October 24: “I don’t think my constituents care that much.”

November 2: Says he’s “still wrestling” with the options, but “no chance” he’s voting for Hillary Clinton.

November 3: Makes national headlines by refusing to answer Trump question TEN TIMES in one ten-minute interview.

November 3: Claims to “have a lot of problems with Donald Trump” while going on to say a President Trump “would sign some legislation that would be constructive”

November 5: 62 hours before polls open…