Activists And Local Residents Oppose Republican Tax Scheme As Meehan Meets With Ryan

Rally Highlights Continued Backlash Against Toxic Republican Agenda

While Pat Meehan and Paul Ryan tried to sell the House Republicans’ deeply unpopular tax cut plan — which was written by Wall Street and gives tax breaks to people like Trump — in Aston today, activists and local residents protested outside of Meehan’s Springfield Office to call on the congressman to oppose all proposed cuts to safety net programs at the expense of tax cuts for large corporations and the wealthy.

Today’s rally outside of Meehan’s Springfield office was another attempt by his constituents to hear from their Congressman and an expression of the deep disappointment that his constituents feel towards Congressman Pat Meehan’s lack of transparency and leadership.

Around twenty local residents made sure that their voices and their message were heard loud and clear: Pat Meehan and Pennsylvania Republicans must stand up and oppose a tax plan that only benefits large corporations and the ultra-wealthy.  

“This tax plan makes it very clear that Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and Pennsylvania Republicans like Pat Meehan couldn’t care less about the real-life challenges facing everyday Pennsylvanians. Their plan proposes tax cuts for millionaires while hiking taxes for working families. It funds tax breaks for corporations on the back of the hard-working people of Pennsylvania,” said Brandon Cwalina, spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “Working men and women of Pennsylvania will not be fooled by Trump, Ryan, and PA Republicans. After making time to shill for the deeply unpopular Republican tax plan with Paul Ryan today, Pat Meehan and all Pennsylvania Republicans need to answer to their constituents and enact policies that will help secure the middle class instead of lining the pockets of the heads of big businesses and special interests.”

Organizers of the Springfield rally are available to the press for comment.