Do You Believe The Women, Lou?

New Video Shows Congressman Barletta Dodging Questions

Yesterday, after days of cowardly silence, Congressman Lou Barletta refused to unequivocally denounce Roy Moore and said that he should only drop out if the allegations “are found to be true.” This tepid response stands in opposition to Republicans like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Cory Gardner who say they believe the women who have come forward and called on Moore to immediately drop out.

Watch Congressman Barletta continue to dodge questions:

“It’s simple: you either believe the women or you don’t,” said Pennsylvania Democratic Party Executive Director Sinceré Harris. “Which one is it, Congressman Barletta? How many more women have to come forward for you to take a stand and say unequivocally that a man accused of sexually preying on minors does not belong in the United States Senate?”