BOMBSHELL AUDIO: Wagner Caught on Tape Telling Crowd How He Killed Shale Tax To Hurt Governor Wolf’s Re-election

TO: Interested parties
FROM: Beth Melena, Communications Director
SUBJECT: Wagner Caught on Tape Telling Crowd How He Killed Shale Tax To Hurt Governor Wolf’s Re-election
DATE: September 30, 2017

In a shocking development, The Morning Call just broke a story that Scott Wagner was caught on tape telling a room of Tea Partiers that he conspired with House Republican Appropriations Chair Stan Saylor to kill the shale tax to hurt Governor Wolf’s re-election.

Wagner was caught saying: “I went to school with Stan Saylor, Stan’s the Appropriations Chairman and I told Stan at a meeting three weeks ago, he was sitting like fifteen feet away from me, I said ‘Stan you cannot let this severance tax get through so that it gets to the governor’s desk because if that happens the governor is going to get reelected. Stan you take that to the bank.'”

Listen to the audio here:

View the full Morning Call story here:,amp.html