Pennsylvania Capital-Star: The Late Tax Payments “Raise Questions About […] How Much Time He Spends in the State He Wants to Represent in Congress”

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: It “Raise[s] Questions About Why Such Relatively Small Amounts Were Not Paid on Time by Someone as Wealthy as McCormick”

PENNSYLVANIANew reporting from the Pennsylvania Capital-Star uncovered that mega-millionaire David McCormick twice failed to pay his property taxes on a Pittsburgh property on time. McCormick continues to insist he lives in Pennsylvania, but this breaking report adds to mounting evidence that shows he actually lives in Connecticut. 

Earlier today, a new story from The Messenger revealed McCormick flew to his home state of Connecticut less than 24 hours after launching his Senate campaign in Pittsburgh. In August, a report from The Associated Press caught McCormick in yet another lie to voters about living in Pennsylvania when he had actually been living on Connecticut’s “gold coast.” Then, Vanity Fair broke the news that McCormick has been chartering private planes to fly to Pennsylvania for events from his multi-million dollar mansion in his home state of Connecticut. 

Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesperson Maddy McDaniel issued the following statement:

“David McCormick spends so little time in Pennsylvania, he can’t even remember to pay taxes on the house he’s lying about living in.”

ICYMI: Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Property taxes paid late twice on McCormick’s Pittsburgh house, records show

  • David McCormick, the GOP candidate running to unseat incumbent U.S. Sen. Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, apparently paid the county property taxes on the house he owns in Pittsburgh late the past two years, public records show. 
  • It may raise questions about why such relatively small amounts were not paid on time by someone as wealthy as McCormick, and how much time he spends in the state he wants to represent in Congress.
  • The tax website shows that in 2023, property taxes for 117 Woodland were paid a month late, on May 12, 2023, incurring a 5% penalty of $659.17, and interest of $131.83 for a total of $791.
  • In 2022, the property taxes were paid 4 months late, on Sept. 12, incurring a 5% penalty of $659.17 and interest of $527.34, for a total of $1,186.51. 
  • During campaign appearances, McCormick has insisted he not only grew up in and started a business in Pennsylvania, that he lives here currently. 
  • McCormick also has not received a residency homestead tax exemption on his house in Pittsburgh, the AP reported, noting that in 2022, McCormick and his wife, Dina Powell McCormick, had a net worth between $95.7 million and at least $196.7 million.
  • “David McCormick spends so little time in Pennsylvania, he can’t even remember to pay taxes on the house he’s lying about living in,” Maddy McDaniel, senior communications adviser to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, said in response to a request for comment.  
