Congressman Barletta Must Condemn Trump’s Latest Racist Remarks

Will Barletta Join His House Republican Colleagues or Stay Silent?

Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that President Trump referred to countries in Africa, South America, and the Caribbean as “shitholes” while arguing that immigrants from Norway would be preferable. Republicans across the country have spoken out to condemn Trump’s latest racist comment as obscene and antithetical to American values. The Pennsylvania Democratic Party is calling on Congressman Barletta to join them

“After yesterday’s comments, will Congressman Barletta join Senator Toomey and his Republican colleagues in condemning Trump or will he sit in cowardly silence like he did after the president praised the ‘very fine’ neo-Nazis in Charlottesville?” said Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesman Max Steele. “Given Congressman Barletta’s troubling past of racist controversies and virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric, the people of Pennsylvania deserve to know whether or not he shares President Trump’s un-American views.”