With Congressman Barletta’s Support, Wall Street Wins Out Over Consumers

Barletta Backed Measure Blocks Pennsylvanians From Suing Big Banks

Last night, Senate Republicans blocked a new rule that would allow Pennsylvania consumers from joining together to sue Wall Street. Congressman Barletta joined Senate Republicans in handing Wall Street this massive win over Main Street.

In response, Pennsylvania Democratic Party spokesman Max Steele released the following statement:

“Last night, Congressman Barletta and Congressional Republicans made a rigged system even worse as they voted to allow Wall Street to further stack the deck against consumers. In defeating this consumer protection rule, Congressman Barletta handed Wall Street a major victory by denying consumers the ability to band together to take on the big banks. This comes as Congressman Barletta is pitching voters on an obscene tax plan that would raise taxes on nearly one million middle class Pennsylvania households, all so large corporations and millionaires like Barletta can cut their own taxes.

“If Congressman Barletta thinks raising taxes on the middle class and putting Wall Street ahead of Main Street will earn him a promotion to the Senate, he’s in for a rude awakening from Pennsylvania voters next November.”