REMINDER: Donald Trump Puts the NRA Over the Safety of Pennsylvania Families

After telling victims of gun violence to “get over it” in the wake of a tragic shooting and repeatedly refusing to take action on commonsense solutions that would make our communities safer, Donald Trump is set to pander to the gun lobby once again today and speak at the National Rifle Association’s Presidential Forum. Ahead of Trump’s remarks, Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chair Senator Sharif Street released the following statement:  

“Pennsylvanians are no strangers to the tragedies of the gun violence epidemic, and they haven’t forgotten how Donald Trump put the gun lobby over their safety over and over again. The same Trump that made the gun violence epidemic worse in his first term and told victims of gun violence to ‘get over it’ is running to block measures that would help protect Pennsylvania’s families and communities and even roll back the bipartisan progress President Biden and Vice President Harris have made on common sense gun safety solutions. Pennsylvania voters will have a choice between more safety and less at the ballot box this November, and while Trump sides with the NRA over our kids’ lives, Pennsylvanians will side with President Biden.” 

While Trump bends the knee to the NRA once again, President Biden is working to make our communities safer:

  • At every turn, Trump has caved to the NRA and sold out our kids’ and communities’ safety and even when confronted with horrific gun violence, he tells survivors to “get over it.
  • Now Trump is running for reelectionon an agenda that would not only fail to tackle gun violence in our communities – it would make us less safe:
    • Supporting national concealed carry reciprocity legislation that would weaken states’ gun safety laws and harm law enforcement.
    • Promising to roll back President Biden’s bipartisan, effective gun safety measures.
  • Meanwhile, President Biden and Vice President Harris have taken on the NRA to make our communities safer
    • Established the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
    • Signed the most significant federal bipartisan gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years.
    • Combating deadly, untraceable ghost guns.
    • Closing background check loopholes – and more.
