Failspin: Toomey Says Robotic Rubio Was Just ‘Staying on Message’

Pat Toomey appeared on FOX Business last night in his new role as Marco “The Robot” Rubio’s chief surrogate. Judging from the interview, it’s unclear if Toomey was watching the same Republican debate on Saturday as the rest of us. He thought Rubio’s cringe-worthy and vapid performance deserves ample praise. “First of all, it’s interesting, a lot of pundits try to make a big deal out of the fact that Marco repeated himself,” Toomey said when pressed on Rubio’s meltdown. “In government and politics often that’s known as staying on message.”

Furthermore, Toomey tried to spin out of Marco’s disastrous performance by saying at least the “substance of [Rubio’s] message is very, very strong.” But what was the substance of Rubio’s message at Saturday’s debate?

  1. Barack Obama knows exactly what he’s doing.
  2. Rubio opposes abortion exceptions for victims of rape or incest.
  3. Barack Obama knows exactly what he’s doing.
  4. Rubio thinks we need to be sending more people to Guantanamo.
  5. Barack Obama knows exactly what he’s doing.

Got it. If that’s presidential material, then we might want to dispel with this fiction that Pat Toomey knows exactly what he’s doing. He has no idea what he’s doing.

Watch here:

And catch up on the overwhelmingly negative reviews of Toomey’s endorsed candidate from Saturday night:

@igorbobic: Rubio needs to learn how to call an audible

@rebeccagberg: Marco Rubio keeps repeating the same talking point that Christie brutally mocked him for. Mind-boggling.

@RosieGray: did Rubio short-circuit?

@DouthatNYT: I’ve watched Rubio for a long time, always thought that critique of him as a talking-points robot was way overblown. But oh dear.

@jbouie: I have never seen anything like this. When met with a head on attack, Rubio reverted to the same exact lines almost four times.

@niaCNN: Rubio is repeating the same answer on Obama. Again

@jameshohmann: Awkwardly, Rubio has spent the night defending Obama as competent.

@RichLowry: Rubio thinks he’s on message, when he is really validating a central critique against him

@ZekeJMiller: Sounds like audience booed Rubio again for driving the same Obama talking point

@MaeveReston: Does Marco Rubio only have one answer to every question?

@SabrinaSiddiqui: Yikes. Rubio gets booed for repeating — for a fourth time — his line about Obama trying to change America.

@timkmak: Rubio repeating this line again that Christie previously dismissed as pre-canned

@pbump: Audience appears to boo Rubio reverting to his talking points again?

@RosieGray: so Rubio’s repeating that line again…
