Members Of The Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus Endorse Judge Dwayne Woodruff And Judge Carolyn Nichols

Members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus gathered in the Capitol Rotunda today to announce their support for the historic bids of Judge Dwayne Woodruff for Supreme Court and Judge Carolyn Nichols for Superior Court. Pennsylvania has not elected a Democratic African American to the Supreme or Superior Court in recent history.

“Justice can’t be blind – justice needs to see the people of color of this commonwealth, and the first way to do that is to have a seat at the table,” said Chairman Jordan Harris. “We’re here today to make clear that diversity on our courts matters. We’re here to support Judge Dwayne Woodruff for Supreme Court and Judge Carolyn Nichols for Superior Court.”

“It matters who is sitting on judicial benches, and having judges of diverse race and gender on the bench matters,” said Vice Chair Donna Bullock. “That’s why I’m very honored and excited to endorse Judge Woodruff for Supreme Court and Judge Nichols for Superior Court.”

“When we say justice, it means going into a courtroom and treated with respect regardless of what you look like,” said Rep. Joanna McClinton. “That’s why we need to do everything possible to make sure that you, your mother, your friends, your brother, and your cousins all come out on November 7th and vote for Judge Woodruff and Judge Nichols.”

“We need people on the bench to reflect what America really looks like, and these are the judges we need,” said Rep. Ed Gainey. “We’re not just putting up African American candidates, but candidates of character who have records of doing phenomenal things. If we’re going to bring parity, equity, and justice to everybody in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we need to elect these candidates.”

Election Day is November 7th.

Below is the list of members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus who have endorsed Judge Dwayne Woodruff for Supreme Court and Judge Carolyn Nichols for Superior Court:

Rep. Jordan A. Harris, Chairman (HD-186)

Rep. Donna Bullock, Vice Chairwoman, (HD-195)

Sen. Art Haywood, Secretary (SD-4)

Rep. Christopher M. Rabb, Treasurer (HD-200)

Sen. Sharif Street (SD-3)

Sen. Vincent J. Hughes (SD-7)

Sen. Anthony H. Williams (SD-8)

Rep. Jake Wheatley (HD-19)

Rep. Edward C. Gainey (HD-24)

Rep. Carol Hill-Evans (HD-95)

Rep. Patty Kim (HD-103)

Rep. Brian Joseph Kirkland (HD-159)

Rep. Margo Davidson (HD-164)

Rep. Jason Dawkins (HD-179)

Rep. Angel Cruz (HD-180)

Rep. W. Curtis Thomas (HD-181)

Rep. James R. Roebuck Jr. (HD-188)

Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown (HD-190)

Rep. Joanna E. McClinton (HD-191)

Rep. Morgan B. Cephas (HD-192)

Rep. Emilio Vazquez (HD-197)

Rep. Rosita C. Youngblood (HD-198)

Rep. Stephen Kinsey (HD-201)  

Rep. Isabella Fitzgerald (HD-203)