Bloomberg Gov: McCormick Thought “Last Year’s Primary Would Be Far Easier Than It Turned Out In Reality”

PENNSYLVANIA — A year ago this week, David McCormick’s failed Senate bid imploded. On June 3, 2022, after a long primary that left him labeled by Trump as a “Wall Street Republican” who “managed money for Communist China,” McCormick finally conceded. The concession followed weeks of last-ditch effort lawsuits and recounts that ultimately came up short for the hedge fund executive. 

As McCormick considers another Senate bid, the same vulnerabilities that sunk his 2022 loom over his decision: 

  • Bloomberg Government: McCormick was led to believe last year’s primary would be far easier than it turned out in reality.
  • Politico: As he decides whether to run, McCormick himself is weighing the prospect of running alongside Trump, according to two Republicans close to him.
  • Bloomberg Government: Running for Senate in 2022…only for Trump to slam him as a “liberal Wall Street Republican”… Trump will be a major factor in that environment, if he’s the Republican nominee for president.

Here’s How McCormick’s 2022 Campaign Failed in the Final Stretch: 

May 17, 2022: David McCormick Floundered After Brutal Primary

Despite spending over $14 million of his own money, McCormick lost the 2022 GOP primary to Dr. Oz after a brutal primary that exposed his record of selling out Pennslyvanians while raking in millions for himself. Lets recap the attacks that sunk McCormick’s campaign, and still leave him damaged today:

May 18, 2022: Trump Urged Dr. Oz To Declare Victory Over McCormick

  • Trump’s opposition was such a vulnerability for David McCormick in the primary that McCormick took off and ran away from reporters asking him about it.
  • WATCH: David McCormick runs away from Chuck Todd when asked how he could win the primary without Trump’s support.

May 23, 2022: McCormick’s Sore Loser Suit Filed

  • READ: McCormick takes Pa. Senate ballot fight to court
  • WATCH: McCormick tells Laura Ingraham “We’re gonna win this campaign”

May 25, 2022: McCormick’s Desperate Last Ditch Effort In Messy Gop Primary

  • After McCormick filed suit in Pennsylvania courts in a last ditch effort to save his failed campaign, the GOP’s messy, damaging, drawn out primary entered a recount. This was a last ditch effort for McCormick’s campaign – he conceded the following week.
