Tell the PA GOP to Pass a Real Budget

Republicans in Harrisburg are trying to impose another unbalanced, Corbett-style budget that underfunds our schools and forces massive cuts across the state.

If you’re tired of Republican extremists trying to score political points with special interests and big donors instead of serving the people of Pennsylvania, help us send a message to Harrisburg:

Call Republican leaders and tell them to pass a budget that's balanced and moves Pennsylvania ahead:

Speaker of the House
(717) 772-9943
House GOP Leader
(717) 705-7173
Senate GOP Leader
(717) 787-1377
Senate President Pro Tempore
(717) 787-7084

Their math just doesn’t add up. In fact, the latest Republican budget is:

  • $290 million out of balance
  • Balloons the deficit up to $2 billion for 2016-2017
  • Lacks real investment in public education, which means that property taxes on middle class families and seniors will skyrocket

Republicans aren’t looking for a solution–they’re just playing partisan politics. Pennsylvania needs real investment in education and a budget that’s balanced. It’s time for Republicans in Harrisburg to do their job–or find a new one. Call Republican leaders and tell them to stand with the Governor to pass a real budget.

Pennsylvanians can no longer afford to pay for the Republican credit downgrades and property tax increases caused by the GOP’s fiscal recklessness. Let’s get a real budget done.

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