PDP Releases New Web Ad On Wall Street’s Favorite Senator: Pat Toomey

PENNSYLVANIA — Today, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party released a new web ad, “The Real Pat Toomey,” highlighting Pat Toomey’s record of fighting for Wall Street special interests in Washington.

Toomey, himself a former Wall Street banker, has received millions in contributions from the financial world. In turn, Toomey has advocated against regulating the big banks and corporations that blew up the global economy.

“Pat Toomey’s entire career is defined by the rigged Wall Street system he helped create as an investment banker, and that he continues to perpetuate as a Senator,” said Preston Maddock, spokesman for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “He has reliably opposed reforms that protect Pennsylvanians from Wall Street greed and misconduct, while using the industry’s vast financial resources to fund his political career. That’s the real Pat Toomey.”

Watch “The Real Pat Toomey” here.

Transcript of “The Real Pat Toomey”


18 years. That’s how long Pat Toomey has been a politician in Washington.

Now, to hide his record, his attack machine is personally going after Katie McGinty.

But let’s look at The Real Pat Toomey.

He was a Wall Street banker – making millions while making nothing.

Then in Congress, Toomey’s carried water for Wall Street, fighting to let them continue risky trades and avoid consumer protections. Toomey has collected $2.5 million from Wall Street – talk about a revolving door!

Pat Toomey. He’s Wall Street’s senator… not ours.

That’s The Real Pat Toomey. Stay tuned for more.
