#PenceInPhilly: Activists Rally against Inhumane Border Tactics [Updated: July 2019]


Last June, VP Mike Pence and the Philadelphia elite attended a $50,000/plate fundraiser at one of the city’s swankiest hotels. Meanwhile, 2,000+ children remained interred in deplorable conditions on the US-Mexico border.

In response, grassroots activists spilled into the streets of downtown Philly in peaceful protest, sending one message loud and clear: We must #KeepFamiliesTogether. 


Speakers at the rally included local grassroots organizers, Councilwoman Helen Gym, and Representative Malcolm Kenyatta, among others.


Rally signs ranged from poignant to pointed, basic to beautiful.


Children’s shoes lined parts of the route as a reminder of why we march.


Many activists recalled their own heritage as descendants of immigrants, a heritage nearly every American shares.


And in the city where our democracy began, we were reminded that it still has a very long way to go.


PA Democrats are asking Pennsylvanians to call their GOP Congressmen and demand an end to the inhumanity at our southern border. Click here to make that call.