PENNSYLVANIA — Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy Patton Mills issued the following statement on the 2021 primary election:

“Now that all of our contested statewide races have been decided, I want to thank every single voter who cast a ballot last week to raise their voices and be heard in our state’s primary elections. Whenever we vote, we reaffirm our commitment to our values and the candidates who will uphold them.

“Special congratulations are in order for Marty Flynn for his crucial special election victory. We look forward to his service in office and continued commitment to the public good. I also want to thank Mariah Fisher, Calvin Clements and Frank Prazenica for running hard-fought special election races. It takes courage to step up and run at any level — and we are so grateful to them for advancing our party’s values in their communities.

“I also want to congratulate Maria McLaughlin, Timika Lane, Loris Dumas, and David Spurgeon, our nominees for Supreme, Superior, and Commonwealth Court. Recent years have shown us more clearly than ever that the courts are vital to the protection of our rights, and our nominees are ready to defend the rights of all Pennsylvanians.

We also celebrate the groundbreaking victories of Ed Gainey, who is poised to become the first Black mayor of Pittsburgh, Wanda Williams in Harrisburg, and Tyler Titus, who would be the first out trans county executive in American history.

To all of our nominees, from district attorneys to school board members to mayors and county executives — thank you for running, and you have my earnest commitment that we will work day and night with our grassroots allies and partners in Labor to ensure your victory in November. Let’s get to work.”
