State Sen. Jay Costa: “We Know That This Person Is A Connecticut Resident. If You Want To Run For U.S. Senate, Go To Connecticut To Run For U.S. Senate.

Allegheny-Fayette Central Labor Council President Darrin Kelly: “Dave McCormick, You Had A Chance To Stand With The American Worker. You Chose The Wrong Way.”

PENNSYLVANIA — Today, Pennsylvania labor leaders and advocates were joined by Lt. Governor Austin Davis and State Senator Jay Costa to speak out against David McCormick’s upcoming campaign launch. McCormick is a mega-millionaire Connecticut hedge fund executive who has spent his life looking out for himself and his rich friends at the expense of working families. 

The leaders exposed McCormick’s record of lying about living in Pennsylvania, his outsourcing of American jobs to China and laying off Pennsylvania workers, and support of an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.

“I’m a first generation college graduate with a degree from the University of Pittsburgh right up the street,” said Lt. Governor Austin Davis. “When I graduated college, I could have gone anywhere, but I decided to stay here and to serve the good people of Pennsylvania. David McCormick is one of those folks who left Pennsylvania behind. He laid off dozens of Pittsburgh workers as he was a corporate CEO. He got rich by shipping American jobs overseas, and he doesn’t even live here. He’s a mega millionaire who lives in a mansion on Connecticut’s Gold Coast.”

“For over 50 years, I lived in a community that [McCormick] now wants to try to call home, the Squirrel Hill community,” said Jay Costa, State Senator District 43. “To think that this gentleman is going to call Squirrel Hill his home having never lived there and never been there – and I know that he’s not here because I work in that community day in and day out. It’s offensive to me and it should be offensive to all of us that that’s the case here. We know that this person is a Connecticut resident. If you want to run for U.S. Senate, go to Connecticut to run for U.S. Senate. Don’t come to be a carpetbagger here in Pennsylvania.”

“Our members consistently tell us exactly what they believe in and what [our union] should be fighting for,” said Dave McCall, USW International Vice President. “They want good jobs. They want a voice in making those jobs the best they can be. They want a secure and dignified retirement. They want quality, affordable health care, and they want fair trade. This is what the members of our union believe in, and these are the same things that Bob Casey fights for every day.”

“[Bob Casey] goes to Capitol Hill every day making sure that every American has a piece of the American dream,” said Darrin Kelly, Allegheny-Fayette Central Labor Council President. “It’s in his DNA. You either have it or you don’t. You either say that ‘buy America’ is in your blood, or it’s not. You don’t have the right to pick and choose. Dave McCormick, you had a chance to stand with the American worker. You chose the wrong way – that is facts.”

“I chose to have an abortion — I could not and would not carry my son for four more months to bring him into this world knowing that his life would be filled with pain and suffering,” said Kelsey Leigh, abortion-patient advocate. “Now, if it were up to Dave McCormick, he would have made that decision for me. If it were up to him, I would have been stripped of my right to privacy and my right to freedom from government intrusion during my most grief-filled moments.”
