Pennsylvania Republicans Endorse Trump’s Unqualified Education Nominee

Betsy DeVos proved herself to be woefully unqualified to lead the country’s education system during her confirmation hearing last week, but Representatives Mike Turzai and David Reed signed a letter endorsing her for Secretary of Education anyway.

What’s wrong with DeVos?

  • DeVos has never attended a public school and has called public education a “dead end.”

  • She has earned millions lobbying to privatize public education.

  • During her hearings, she was unaware of the difference between a student’s scores on tests and a student’s improvement in a subject.

  • She suggested that schools should allow guns to protect students from grizzly bears.

  • She was unaware of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and key requirements that provide education to students with disabilities.

  • She lost Senator Bob Casey’s vote when she refused to say whether she would make it easier for victims of sexual assault to receive justice.

But Turzai and Reed believe this qualifies her for “a swift confirmation process.”

“Betsy DeVos’ background and her confirmation hearing prove her to be one of the swamp dwellers Trump campaigned against,” said Brandon Cwalina, spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “Turzai’s and Reed’s signing on to this letter is offensive to students and proponents of public education everywhere and only further illustrates their loyalty to special interests.”