Rep. Saylor Admits House GOP Budget Slashes Manufacturing Funding

On Friday, Representative Stan Saylor admitted that the House Republican budget slashes manufacturing state funding, which would lead to the loss of thousands of manufacturing jobs in Pennsylvania and hundreds of millions in wages earned by Pennsylvania workers.

“Representative Stan Saylor last week admitted that the House Republican budget he crafted would be devastating for Pennsylvania’s manufacturing community, lead to massive job loss, and hurt working families across the commonwealth,” said Beth Melena, the communications director for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “Pennsylvanians are sick and tired of politicians like Stan Saylor pretending to support working families when his actions, proposals, and votes show otherwise. Stan Saylor should scrap his job-killing budget.”


“However, the bill’s sponsor, Stan Saylor, R-York, argued that while there are indeed cuts included in the bill — mostly to tourism and manufacturing — no cuts would hinder first responders’ ability to save lives.” [Bucks County Courier Times, 5/12/17]