Republican Nominee for PA State Treasurer Uses Alt-Right Fringe Conspiracy Language At Trump Rally

Voit leads rally in calling for incarceration of Hillary Clinton.

The Pennsylvania Democratic Party released video today of the Republican nominee for State Treasurer, Otto Voit, at a recent rally for Donald Trump promoting a fringe conspiracy. Voit also led a chant of attendees calling for the incarceration of Hillary Clinton.

In the video, Voit states, “We have had the worst economic recovery since 1949 and it is because of Obama’s socialist and one-world order policies…and Hillary Clinton will double-down on those policies and remove all hope and opportunity for a generation. What should we do to Hillary Clinton? [“Lock her Up” chants from the crowd] You got it right!”

The use of the phrase “one world order” or “new world order” has been used as a dog whistle for various alt-right groups and conspiracy theorists who believe the government plans to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, and round up citizens who disagree with the government.

Voit, who boasted at the rally that he was the first Pennsylvania Republican running for statewide office to endorse Trump, also egged on the crowd to chant “Lock her up!” about Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Brandon Cwalina, spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, added, “It’s sad and bizarre that Otto Voit would engage in the lowest kind of fear-mongering when speaking in front of a large crowd. His spouting of fringe conspiracy theories disqualifies him as a serious candidate for Treasurer.”

View Otto Voit’s speech in the entirety here.