Senator John Rafferty To Campaign With Donald Trump?

PHILADELPHIA –- After trying to duck the question for months, State Senator John Rafferty endorsed Donald Trump yesterday and said “he would definitely appear” with Trump to campaign in Pennsylvania.

Senator Rafferty will have his first chance tomorrow, when Trump appears in Scranton to peddle his campaign of fear, and personal history of false promises and fraudulent scams against working people like Trump University.

“Regardless whether Senator Rafferty shares a stage with Trump tomorrow or next month, Pennsylvanians want to know if Rafferty, who is running to be Pennsylvania’s top legal officer, agrees with Trump that your ethnic heritage – whether Irish, African-American, Italian or Mexican – can disqualify you from serving impartially as a Federal Judge?” asked Brandon Cwalina, Deputy Press Secretary for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party.

“Senator Rafferty endorsed Donald Trump because they’re in lock-step by degrading the rights of women and workers alike. It’s no surprise Rafferty is supporting a Presidential candidate who sets a terrible example for our children by constantly bullying others, mocking people for who they are, degrading women and ripping-off workers” added Sinceré Harris Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party.

Pennlive: Pennsylvania Attorney General candidate John Rafferty says he would campaign with Trump

Rafferty said he has nothing scheduled with Trump at the moment. But he said, if their paths cross down the road, or if there are some big, all-Republican rallies in the fall that command his presence, he would definitely appear.

Read the entire article here.

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