Is Blocking Supreme Court Nominees Forever Part Of Ted And Toomey’s “Broad Agreement?”

Yesterday, Ted Cruz caught people’s attention when he suggested that Senate Republicans might just try to hold up the Supreme Court nomination process indefinitely because, well, they think they can.

Does Pat Toomey agree with Cruz’s promises of continued obstruction? Probably.

Back in December, Toomey said he and Ted Cruz had a broad agreement on the issues. That agreement extended from hyper-partisan classics like trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act to wildly irresponsible one-hit-wonders like shutting down the government in 2013 (costing the American economy $24 billion) and voting again to do the same in 2015 over funding for Planned Parenthood.

In April, Toomey voted for Cruz in the presidential primary, reminding Pennsylvania that he hails from the most out-of-touch, right-wing corner of our political spectrum.

Just this month, Cruz hosted a fundraiser for Toomey, suggesting that he is actively invested in making sure that Partisan Pat gets to return to Washington to further their toxic agenda.

And let’s not forget that since February, Toomey and Ted have been birds of a feather when it comes to the unprecedented and unconstitutional obstruction of Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland.

Until we hear otherwise, it’s safe to assume that the Garland blockade is just the tip of the iceberg for Toomey and Ted. Turns out that — as with every other issue — when it comes to trampling the Constitution and gutting the highest court in the land, these two have a broad agreement to do precisely the wrong thing.