Chairman’s Statement On Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick

PENNSYLVANIA — Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chairman Marcel L. Groen released the following statement regarding Donald Trump’s choice of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential pick:

“Donald Trump’s choice of Mike Pence as his vice presidential candidate only proves that Trump wants to divide Americans with more hateful rhetoric and discriminatory policies. Mike Pence’s lifetime of extreme conservatism is out of line with American values and is not fit for the country.

“Pence was a vanguard congressman of the Tea Party movement, and as such he voted in lockstep with the far right. He voted against comprehensive immigration reform, against raising the minimum wage, and against a woman’s right to privacy in her healthcare. As Indiana governor, he is most infamous for signing a law that legalized discrimination against the LGBT community and others. This law cost the state $60 million and forced businesses to reconsider their investments in Indiana. Pence’s action, the subsequent controversy, and the enormous pressure to eventually repeal the law was an embarrassment to the Hoosier state.

“Republicans find themselves with an unstable businessman and a right-wing ideologue on their ticket, and this is a dangerous mix. Donald Trump somehow believes that Mike Pence is ready to step into his shoes, but both Trump and Pence are too dangerous to be allowed anywhere near the White House.

“Democrats are proud to have a standard bearer in Hillary Clinton. We are proud to stand for values that are important to all Americans: for a sustainable living wage so wealth is attainable for all, we stand for diversity and acceptance of people no matter who they love or where they come from. The choice this November could not be more clear — the future of the country that we love depends on it.”

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