Notable Absences: Toomey Misses Votes On Judicial Nominee And Abuse Prevention

Notable Absences: Toomey Misses Votes On Judicial Nominee And Abuse Prevention

Pat Toomey doesn’t want to talk about much these days, but when he does he tries to boast about public safety. It’s curious then that when votes in the Senate have recently come up on this issue, Toomey has been a no-show.

Last night, Toomey missed a vote to reauthorize a law that assists states in preventing abuse by sex-offenders. And after trying to cut the line to get a vote on two of his judicial nominees a couple weeks ago, Toomey missed a different confirmation vote days later.

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He’s refused to do his job on the Supreme Court vacancy and dragged his feet on qualified nominees. Now he can’t even be bothered to take votes. And Toomey not only skipped the vote yesterday on tracking sex offenders, he’s still yet to return or donate the $22,000 of campaign contributions from disgraced former House Speaker Dennis Hastert.

“Even on the issues he wants to discuss – like public safety – Toomey fails to show up and do his job,” said Preston Maddock, spokesman for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “He simply has no credibility to talk about what he’s doing to protect Pennsylvanians when he misses votes to fund abuse prevention or put judges on a bench.”
