Senator Casey Continues Efforts To Prevent Campus Sexual Assault



August 29, 2016


Brandon Cwalina,



Casey Calls on Students to Take Part in Tackling Challenge



One in five women will experience sexual assault on a college campus. As students return to college campuses this week,  Senator Bob Casey  reminds students that they have an obligation to stop sexual assault.

Senator Casey’s Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVe) was signed into law in 2013 and created uniform reporting standards for incidents of sexual assault at colleges and universities.


Check out some of the coverage here:

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Sen. Casey urges ‘bystanders’ to take charge, prevent campus sex assaults

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey told a group of students, faculty and staff at the University of Pittsburgh on Thursday that male college students have an obligation to stop sexual assaults by others before they happen. “Let’s be honest, a lot of guys know when something might happen, that they have an awareness that someone in their group is predisposed to do something,” the Pennsylvania Democrat told the audience of about 60. “You need to be a man. You need to examine your conscience and ask yourself what your obligation is … what you can do to prevent this from happening.”


WTAE: Sen. Bob Casey calls on male students to report sexual violence


Centre Daily Times: Casey says men need to do more about sexual assault on campus

Casey, instead, wants to see all campuses have a culture of protection for those in need, even if they aren’t necessarily looking out for themselves. If a girl is drinking more than she should, he wants her friends to help look after her. If a guy has an issue, he wants his friends to intervene and stop problems, too. “Guys know,” he said. “It’s got to be called a shameful act. (Rapists) are cowards and should be ostracized. Real men don’t do that.”

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