Southeastern PA Voters Continue To Protest The GOP’s Reckless ACA-Repeal Legislation

Hundreds of Pennsylvania voters gathered on the seventh anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act to protest of the GOP’s disastrous ACA repeal plan. Voters in Pennsylvania’s 6th, 7th, and 8th Congressional Districts gathered in front of the offices of congressmen Ryan Costello, Patrick Meehan, and Brian Fitzpatrick to make it clear that repealing the Affordable Care Act is unacceptable.

Their voices and message were loud and clear: voters in Pennsylvania won’t stand for their congressmen’s support of the proposed ACA-replacement bill, which would jack up health insurance premiums and rip away coverage from millions so that Republicans can cut taxes for health insurance CEOS.

Voters in Southeastern PA made it clear that they rely on the ACA and Medicaid and they won’t stand for a plan that will limit federal funding for Medicaid, abandon subsidies for age-based tax credits, and potentially add 24 million American’s to the ranks of the uninsured.  

“Premium increases concern me,” said Karen Stauffer of Lahaska, PA. “Right now I am paying $586 and under the repeal plan my premium cost would be over $1,300. These rallies are an expression of the deep disappointment that people feel towards the reckless Republican healthcare replacement plan.”

Protests are scheduled to continue tomorrow as voters look to continue to hold their congressmen accountable all the way to Election Day.