Toomey Can’t ‘Duck the Question’ Forever: Will He Meet with Supreme Court Nominee?

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Senate Republican leadership announced yesterday that they will obstruct the constitutional process and hold no hearings and no votes on President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court — no matter whom he names. In follow-up answers, Senator Mitch McConnell and others stooped to the low of refusing to even meet with Obama’s pick.

Throughout the past two weeks, Pat Toomey has walked in lockstep with McConnell on the Supreme Court vacancy. Toomey admitted last week that a hearing would just “mislead” people into thinking the “qualifications of the candidate” are relevant. He also said that having an incomplete Supreme Court is “not that big of a deal.” And when asked by a reporter today if he would also decline to take a meeting with the next Supreme Court nominee, “Toomey ducked the question.”

“Pat Toomey’s position on the Supreme Court vacancy is completely at odds with the constitutional process and the expectations of Pennsylvanians,” said Marcel L. Groen, Chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “It’s offensive to the institutions of our democracy to, sight unseen, oppose any and all nominees of President Obama. If he has any respect for his office and his constituents, Pat Toomey will be willing to at least meet with the Supreme Court nominee.”
