Toomey’s Tough Week Told in Headlines

The person responsible for putting together Pat Toomey’s press clips deserves a drink. It was another week chock-full of vicious headlines and troubling stories for the Senator.

While Toomey was in Washington, not even bothering to defend his position on obstructing the constitutional process of filling the Supreme Court vacancy, editorials, op-eds and news reports continued to highlight the opposition he faces back home. The coverage was then supported by two new polls. A PPP poll showed 76% of Pennsylvanians disagree with Toomey on the Supreme Court. And a Franklin & Marshall poll found that disapproval of Toomey was the highest the poll had ever recorded. Both polls put Toomey’s job approval ratings at a dismal 29%.

In reaction, Toomey’s special interest allies put seven figures behind an ad to buoy his image. It was the second time in the past week a dark-money ground went up on air to protect Wall Street’s favorite Senator. The AP headline about the ad, however, was probably not what they were hoping for. That and others below, Pat Toomey’s tough week:

The Philadelphia Tribune Editorial

Scranton Times-Tribune Editorial

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial

Reading Eagle Editorial


The Morning Call Op-Ed

The Philadelphia Tribune

The Huffington Post

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Sunbury Daily Item

Beaver County Times

Scranton Times-Tribune

Philadelphia Inquirer


Associated Press