VIDEO: Prime Sponsor Of Defund Planned Parenthood Bill Doesn’t Know What Planned Parenthood Does

Today, Senator John Eichelberger, the prime sponsor of the defund Planned Parenthood bill admitted that he didn’t know what services Planned Parenthood provides or how much money his bill would save.

“The women of Pennsylvania are sick and tired of uninformed men trying to strip away our access to health care and ability to make our own health care decisions,” said Beth Melena, communications director of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “Senator John Eichelberger should get over their obsession with limiting women’s rights and get to work on something that would actually improve the lives of Pennsylvanians.”


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“A key committee in the Pennsylvania state Senate today voted in favor of a bill that would partially defund Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania — a move opponents of the bill say could lead to the closure of Planned Parenthood centers in Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, the prime sponsor of the legislation said during a hearing that he doesn’t know how much money would be saved if the bill were to pass … then admitted he’s unclear on what services Planned Parenthood actually provides.” [Billy Penn, 4/26/17]